The installation of Seeka on a WordPress Domain takes around 2 minutes and can be implemented by anyone with Admin access.
If your site is developed on Bedrock, see the Seeka developer docs.
Installing Seeka Plugin on your WordPress Domain
Open the Seeka App and navigate to Sources.
Ensure you're in the correct Organisation and Brand then click on the Connect source button.
Select WordPress
Download WordPress Plugin + Activate
Download the WordPress plugin to your device HERE or in the Seeka App.
Log in to your WordPress site, click Plugins
Then Add New.
At the top of the window, click the Upload plugin button.
Select the file downloaded in step 4 and click Install now.
Once installed, click Activate plugin.
Enter Seeka Public Key, Organisation ID and instance ID
Once activated, you will be taken to the plugin list.
Click on Settings on the left menu to expand the sub-menu and then click on Seeka.
Copy your Seeka public key, Organisation ID and Instance ID into the text fields and click the Save Changes button to complete the installation.
Setting up Events
Page view events will be automatically collected and sent to your configured data destinations in the Seeka app via browser and server channels.
For all other events, Seeka has a specialised Express Setup Tool that allows you in a single pass to set up events for all data destinations.
Known Conflicts
Seeka always follows current best practices. Unfortunately, that is not always the case with other plugins.
Solid Security Pro
To use Seeka alongside the Solid Security Pro plugin please do the following:
"Disable PHP in Plugins" setting may need to be disabled.
Click on the "Security" tab on the main left menu of WordPress
Then, "Settings" in the top right corner
Then, "Advanced" on the left Solid Security security menu.
Uncheck "Disable PHP in Plugins" and click "Save".
WP Rocket plugin
When using the WP Rocket plugin, the below settings need to be set to avoid blocking Seeka.
Navigate to WP Rocket Settings in WordPress.
Click 'File Optimisation' in the left-hand menu.
If 'Minify JavaScript files' is checked:
In 'Excluded JavaScript files' paste in:
If 'Delay JavaScript execution' is checked, please be aware that we've seen some mixed results with this option in WP Rocket, some positive and some serious negative effects (not just with Seeka but other Javascript based platforms plugged into WordPress).
Hit Save 🚀