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Connecting Google BigQuery
Connecting Google BigQuery

How to connect Seeka to BigQuery for a real time data stream.

Updated over 4 months ago

Connect Google BigQuery to Seeka to allow events and anonymous identities to stream from Seeka to a BigQuery dataset in real time.

To complete this connection, a Google Cloud account and a Google Cloud project is required.

Enabling BigQuery

  1. Navigate to Settings > Pipelines in your Seeka app.

  2. Click on "Connect pipeline".

  3. Select "Google BigQuery".

To enable the streaming features that Seeka utilises to push records to BigQuery, a billing account is required to be linked to the Google Cloud project that houses your BigQuery data.

To retrieve your "Google Cloud Project ID"

  1. In the top left corner of your Google Cloud console next to the Google Cloud logo, click the dropdown.

  2. Copy the value in the "ID" column where the row is prefixed with a star (the currently selected project)

To retrieve your service account credentials JSON

  1. Navigate to your service accounts in Google Cloud console

  2. Select the project you wish to use (must match the project in the step above)

  3. On the top bar, select "Create Service Account"

  4. Enter the below details

    1. Service account name: seeka-bigquery

    2. Service account description: Seeka connection to BigQuery

  5. Select "Create and continue"

  6. Click "Select Role"

  7. Search for "BigQuery Admin"

  8. Select "BigQuery Admin" in the right column

  9. Click "Continue"

  10. Click "Done"

  11. Click the row for the new "seeka-bigquery" service account

  12. Click the "Keys" tab on the top

  13. Click Add Key > Create new key

  14. Ensure key type is selected as JSON then click create

  15. Save the downloaded file and copy the contents into the "Google Cloud Service Account credentials JSON" field in the Seeka app

  16. Hit connect in the Seeka app and data will begin streaming into your BigQuery account.

The above "Big Query Admin" role can be filtered via IAM to restrict the Seeka Service account to minimal permissions. See this Google guide on how to implement fine grain control over permissions.

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